Jacksonville Public Library Blog

Tips and Tools for Conducting Market Research for Your Small Business

Small Business and Side Hustles Library U newsletter

The use of zip codes as we know them started on July 1, 1963. Why is this string of numbers important to your business? The Library has many free tools like Data Axle Reference Solutions to help you with demographic research, small business marketing, and more. Read this month's Small Business & Side Hustles newsletter to learn how to conduct your own market research!

Celebrate the Anniversary of the Moon Landing with Books About Space

Books to celebrate Moon Day

International Moon Day is observed annually on July 20. It marks the anniversary of the first landing by humans on the Moon as part of the Apollo 11 lunar mission in 1969. Whether you take this opportunity to learn more about the moon landing, astronauts, and NASA or you spend the day reading some fun (or fantastical) books inspired by space exploration - the staff of Jacksonville Public Library has some great recommendations to get you started.

Graphic Novels in Libraries Month

Graphic Novels in Libraries Month

July is Graphic Novels in Libraries Month! Started in 2019 by Booklist (the American Library Association's review journal) to bring attention to and promote the growing graphic novel and comics collections in our nation’s libraries, this month-long celebration coincides with the world’s biggest fandom event, San Diego Comic Con. At Jacksonville Public Library, we celebrate graphic novels all year round! We have a monthly Comic Club (Graphic Novel Book Club) at the Willow Branch Library. Join a Library Book Club today and get even more book recommendations from readers just like you!

Books to Celebrate Disability Pride Month

July is Disability Pride Month

Disability Pride Month is celebrated every year in July, in part, to celebrate the passage of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law on July 26, 1990. It's a time to embrace and honor the history, achievements, experiences, and struggles of the disability community. In Jacksonville, we commemorate the day with an annual Disability and Adaptive Recreation Expo at the Prime F. Osborn Convention Center.  This year, Jacksonville Public Library is proud to launch our new and completely FREE Books by Mail service for Duval County residents who are unable to visit the Library due to a temporary or permanent disability or illness.

Now Available: Get Library Books By Mail Delivered FREE to Your Home

Get Library Books by Mail

Are you or someone you know unable to visit the library due to a temporary or permanent disability or illness? Jacksonville Public Library now offers a FREE service that delivers books and other library materials by mail to Duval County residents via the United States Postal Service. Available materials include regular print books, large print books, audiobooks on CD, magazines, music CDs and DVDs.

Lit Chat Interview with Writer & Musician Daryl Gussin

Lit Chat Interview with Daryl Gussin

Daryl Gussin is a writer and musician who has been awkwardly standing around at punk shows for the last twenty-something years. Thankfully at some point in his late teens, he decided to become a little more productive and has been working on zines, setting up shows, and playing in bands consecutively since then. In 2006, Daryl Gussin became integrally involved in the Razorcake fanzine where he is currently the managing editor.

Writer's Lab: Music Fanzine Workshop with Daryl Gussin

Writer's Lab: Music Fanzine Workshop with Daryl Gussin

Are you a big music fan? Do you go to concerts, join fan groups, and actively seek out other fans (in person or online) to geek out with about your favorite lyrics? Have you ever considered making your own fanzine? In this workshop, you'll tackle "fandom" as a creative avenue and learn how to build community through collaborative projects. Instructor Daryl Gussin will offer a historical and personal background on the medium and then guide participants through the hands-on process of zine-making.

Adult Programs in July: Two Lit Chats, A Fanzine Writer's Lab & More!

Library U: Adult Programs

This month, catch up with Little House on the Prairie star Dean Butler for the release of his memoir and the show's 50th anniversary. Later in the month. learn how to make your own music fanzine with instructor Daryl Gussin in our Writer's Lab series. He returns later that same day for a Lit Chat Interview about music, zines and finding your community. Plus, there are 15 Library Book Club meetings, three Life Lit skills workshops, and more! 

Books for Muslim American History Month

Muslim American Heritage Social Banner

This month, we've put together a list of books by and about Muslim Americans. These books are available in multiple formats and cover various topics, from history and biography to fiction and poetry. 

Happy Birthday America! Independence Day Books for Kids

Independence Day Books for Kids

There are so many traditions when it comes to the Fourth of July. Why not create a new one by adding a few books to your day with family wherever you may find yourself? At Jacksonville Public Library we have a variety of books you can choose from chosen by our awesome librarians! You'll be sure to find something you love to read with your little ones.


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