Jacksonville Public Library Blog

April Art Walk: Poetry Open Mic Night with Taryn Lovereigns Wharwood

We Are Open for Art Walk

Celebrate our community's deep pool of creative talent with us on the first Wednesday of each month in Downtown Jacksonville! The Main Library stays open until 9 p.m. for the festivities! This month, adults (18+) can join us from 7 - 8:30 p.m. in the Lounge at 303 North for a special Jax Poetry Fest Open Mic Night sponsored by Hope at Hand, Inc., with emcee Taryn "LoveReigns" Wharwood. UNF Professor Andrew Kozlowski also returns for a zine poetry-making workshop during Zinester Meetup.

Poetry Month Programs and Reading Recommendations

Books to Read for National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month and we've got some great recommendations for you, including some books of poetry by local poets like Jessica Q. Stark! Whether you enjoy reading poetry or writing it yourself, we also have several programs and drop-in activities happening around the library system including a poetry program double-header (Lit Chat and Writer's Lab) at Willow Branch Library on Saturday, April 13!

Adult Programs at the Library during National Poetry Month

Library U: Adult Programs

Do you have poetry you'd like to share with the world? Do you want to hear from local poets who write creatively about life in Jacksonville? Drop by the Main Library on Wednesday, April 3, during Art Walk for a special Open Mic Night with Taryn "LoveReigns" Wharwood and Hope at Hand, Inc. They'll be set up in the Lounge at 303 North (just inside the entrance on Laura Street). There will also be a poetry zine-making workshop in the Zine Zone (on the First Floor), if you'd like to see your work in print. Then, on April 13, we’ll have a poetry program doubleheader at Willow Branch Library!

Join a Library Book Club or Jax Stacks Reading Challenge in April

Join a Library Book Club

If you haven't joined the Jax Stacks Reading Challenge yet... there's still plenty of time! In April, we're focusing on two of the sixteen challenge categories: "A book of poetry, essays or short stories" and "A book read by a Library Book Club in 2024." How perfect is that?! Not only can you find great recommendations for celebrating National Poetry Month, but if you're already a member of a Library Book Club you've likely already fulfilled at least one challenge category! That means you just have 11 more to go!

Writer's Lab Workshop with Poet Anna Claire Hodge

Writer's Lab workshop with Anna Claire Hodge: There's No Place Like Poem

Learn how poets use vivid imagery, sensory details, and cultural references to transport readers to specific locations. In this interactive workshop, you'll delve into the profound connection between poetry and locale through a series of engaging activities and discussions. Participants will generate their own work, and discover how landscapes, cities, and personal surroundings can serve as powerful catalysts for creative expression.

Small Business Advice for Female Entrepreneurs and Leaders in Jax

Small Business and Side Hustles Library U newsletter

Twyla Prindle is the founder of Kash Kids, Inc. and author of more than a dozen financial literacy books for kids. Her best-known work is Where Is My Money? She is one of North Florida’s leading advocates for teaching children financial literacy and entrepreneurial skills. Twyla hopes to inspire children to become financially independent adults and future entrepreneurs.

Improve Your Day-To-Day Life with FREE Life Lit Workshops!

Life Lit workshops

Life Lit are free workshops offered by trained professionals and volunteers that focus on improving your day-to-day life. These programs cover a wide range of workshops from gardening to small business needs. No need to bring anything but yourself to participate!

Kids Books for Talking About and Celebrating the April 8 Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse Safety

While Jacksonville may not be on the path of the total eclipse, we can still witness this incredible celestial event on Monday! If you’re planning to view the eclipse, remember to prioritize your safety. Here are some precautions to keep in mind. Plus, we've got some book recommendations that will help you answer any questions your little ones might have.

Lit Chat Interview with James Patterson - Live at the Main Library

Lit Chat with James Patterson

Lit Chat Interview with James Patterson, Monday, April 8 at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Patterson will be appearing live at the Main Library’s Hicks Auditorium. As space inside the auditorium is limited, the interview will also be livestreamed online via Zoom. Books are available for pre-order from San Marco Books and More for pick-up at the event. A limited number will also be available to purchase on-site.

Share Your Stories with Special Collections at the Main Library

Your Story is Special. Share it at the Library.

Special Collections at Jacksonville Public Library is a place to ask questions, trace your family roots, research the history of your home, explore old city maps and directories, and so much more! You, your story, and your questions are always welcome. Special Collections is located on the Fourth Floor of the Main Library and is open to the public during library hours. Appointments are not required but you can call ahead or book online if you need a research guide, a tour of the department, or help using the equipment in the Memory Lab.


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